Frequent Questions

  • Cruz Médika is a meeting platform for Telehealth primarily designed for economic health services among the world population. You can find information about us at
  • We are a startup company (new company) incorporated in the Technological Valley of the State of Texas in the United States of America, with the inspiration of helping Latin American families find the better and cheaper health providers.
  • With our platform, any patient can find all kinds of doctors, therapists, caregivers, ambulances, laboratories, drug couriers and other health-related providers.
  • Patients can get a remote consultation, a home visit for a consultation, or book a traditional office visit with the doctor and/or health provider.

  • Our platform is not intended to be used in case of emergency. Patients having a medical emergency should go to an immediate care center.
  • Consultations with health providers through our platform are a complement to the personal relationship you may have with your health professional. The consultancies connected by Cruz Médika are not intended or capable of being a substitute for the regular physical health check-ups that you can carry out with your health specialists.
  • Cruz Médika does not provide any type of health service directly. All health professionals who are available online in our platform, offer their services in the free exercise of their profession and use our applications as a means of communicating with Patients.

  • Patients and Health Providers need to register as users to be able to use our platform.
  • When registering, the users must designate a username and a password (which you can change regularly). These data are personal and non-transferable and users are responsible for maintaining the security of their accounts, taking care at all times of the security and confidentiality of their access codes.

  • Patients can enter their profile data and search for any type of health provider, having the possibility to read the associated profile, profesional experience and comments for each health provider.
  • On the other hand, health providers can also enter their profile and general professional data, having the possibility to receive Patients invitations to be treated.
  • Health providers can define their own services and prices to be offered thru our platform to the general public of Patients.
  • Health providers need to submit a minimum documentation to be evaluated regarding their license, permits, experience and/or training support to provide the health service.

  • Our Software architecture follows GDPR and HIPAA compliance best practices.
  • Our platform ensures the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all sensitive data created, received, maintained, or transmitted.
  • On the other hand, our firm evaluates carefully all Health providers documentation to make sure that the market place organizes genuine Patients and experienced providers.

  • Cruz Médika is a free platform.
  • Patients and health providers can register and use the platform for free.
  • There are not recurring and/or periodic costs to use the platform.
  • Health providers could even publish their own services at zero cost for Patients if they want to- and in this case nobody would pay any single cent to provide and receive a health service.
  • For the cases where a health provider is charging a specific Price greater tan zero for his/her service, then our firm will charge both an extra 5%-8% to the Patient and an extra 10%-12% to the health provider in order to cover both the costs of the platform and the cost of digital payment transaction on the payments platform.

  • Patients need to do the payment transaction at the moment of scheduling a consultation with the health provider.
  • However, that money will be held by the Platform for digital payment until the service has been delivered successfully.
  • After the service has been delivered successfully, The platform of Payment will release automatically the funds for both- the health provider and our firm.

  • Patients will be billed by both Health providers and Cruz Médika, since these 2 entities are charging both- the full Price for the consultation by health provider and the respective commission by our firm.
  • In order to get the bills, Patients need to get in touch directly with both entities to make a formal request of their bills (send an email to request it).
  • On the other hand, health providers need to get the bills on their own only from our firm, which is charging a percentage of commissions for every payment transaction.

  • Patients can permanently store their own data and documents within the our platform health records at no cost.

  • Our platform integrates tools to estimate vital signs based on algorythm known as photoplethysmography.
  • Our tools have limitations and / or inaccuracies inherent to the internet service, connectivity or the application itself.
  • Vital signs information offered by the interface and its derived parameters are not a substitute for the clinical judgment of a health professional and that they are offered solely to improve the user’s general knowledge of general well-being and in no case to diagnose, treat, mitigate or prevent any disease, symptom, disorder or abnormal or pathological physiological state.
  • The user should always consult a health professional or emergency services if they consider that they have a medical condition.

  • Our platform offers the possibility to add dependents under the main user account.
  • The main user account will use all application services for both, himself/herself and his/her children. In this context there will be a health record for each person in the family (either children and/or even grandparents who may not have Access to smartphones to have their own account).