By using Our Platform, you are accepting all our Legal Terms, as well as you are authorizing Our Company (Cruz Medika, LLC) to use or disclosure your protected health information entered by you in our Systems. 

By using Our Platform you accept to understand that you control the mechanism to disclose your Health Information to any Health Provider selected by you to provide you consultations.

You understand and accept that INFORMATION ABOUT ALCOHOL/SUBSTANCE ABUSE, HIV/AIDS, OR MENTAL HEALTH COULD BE DISCLOSED. It all depends in the amount and detail of information entered by you directly on Our Platform, which you understand will be part of your Electronic File to be shared with Health Providers at your own will.

You understand that the information used or disclosed may be subject to re-disclosure by the person or class of persons or facility receiving it, and would then no longer be protected by federal privacy regulations.

You understand that after your information has been shared to others, there is a risk that it could be re-shared without your permission.    

You may revoke this authorization by deleting on your own directly your information within your USER ACCOUNT in Our Platform and Sites and notifying us in writing (info@cruzmedika.com)  your desire to revoke it.  However, you understand that any action already taken in reliance on this authorization cannot be reversed, and your revocation will not affect those actions.

You accept to have read this HIPAA Authorization form describing how your health information will be used. You have had a chance to ask questions about the use of your information (as patient) and you have received answers to your questions (info@cruzmedika.com).  You agree to the use of your health information within Our Platform.